Expert Tips on Patent Translation: (3) Consistency

Expert Tips on Patent Translation: (3) Consistency



Today, we will delve into the final installment of our series on the three crucial characteristics of patent specification translation, focusing on ‘consistency.’

With clarity, conciseness, and consistency, you can confidently embark on your journey in patent translation. Patent specifications are vital legal documents that protect the rights of inventions. A single mistranslation can lead to patent rejection or invalidation, emphasizing the need for meticulous attention from legal translation experts. Consistency is particularly critical because it plays a decisive role in helping patent examiners and courts accurately understand the invention.

Inconsistencies in terminology or expression can create confusion and impact the scope of patent protection. What happens if a patent application lacks consistency? It may be rejected due to “insufficient disclosure.” Facing rejection for urgent matters at the patent office can be challenging. Let’s avoid such mishaps by ensuring proper translation with Bering Lab.

Bering Lab’s Translation Notes for Today

  1. Summary of Key Provisions in U.S. Patent Law
  2. Three Essential Consistencies in Patent Specification Translation
  3. Consistency Rules for Diagram Translation
  4. Practical Tips for Ensuring Consistency in Patent Translation

✍🏻 Why is Consistency Important in Patent Specifications?

Let’s explore why consistency is crucial in patent specification translation and examine related regulations. To begin, we introduce 35 U.S. Code § 112, a key provision in U.S. patent law. Here’s a brief summary of its content.

1️⃣ Summary of Key Provisions in U.S. Patent Law:

  • The specification must include a written description of the invention.
  • The description should be clear, concise, and accurate.
  • It must be detailed enough for an expert in the field to make and use the invention.

This regulation emphasizes the need for “clear and concise terminology.” Why is that? It is to precisely define the scope of patent protection. Ambiguous expressions or inconsistent terminology can obscure patent rights, leading to rejection during the examination process or disadvantaging the patent holder in future disputes.

In contrast, consistent translation greatly enhances the credibility of a patent. For instance, referring to the same component as a “fastening unit” in one place and a “fixing device” in another can cause confusion. Such discrepancies can affect the interpretation of the patent and, in the worst-case scenario, provide grounds for invalidation. The key points here are as follows:

2️⃣ Three Essential Consistencies in Patent Specification Translation:

  • Terminology Consistency: Always translate the same concept using the same word.
  • Sentence Structure Consistency: Express similar content using similar sentence structures.
  • Translation Style Consistency: Maintain a consistent overall translation style.

✍🏻 Practical Application – Patent Claims vs. Invention Description, Diagram Translation

Let’s examine how to maintain consistency in actual patent documents. Patent claims and invention descriptions should mirror each other. While their appearances may differ, the terminology used must be identical.

Why is that? It is to clearly define the scope of patent protection. For example, if you refer to a “server device” in the invention description, you must also use “server device” in the patent claims. Changing it to “server apparatus” disrupts consistency. Consistency is crucial in diagram translation as well. Pay attention to the following:

3️⃣ Consistency Rules for Diagram Translation:

  • Translate the same components using the same terminology.
  • Ensure terminology and expressions are consistent across diagrams.

For example, if you translate “Recess portion” in an isometric view, use “Recess portion” in cross-sectional views as well. Avoid using “Concave portion” instead. This is akin to calling the same person by different names in different photographs. To help those who might find legal terminology overwhelming, we share practical tips for maintaining consistency.

4️⃣ Practical Tips for Ensuring Consistency in Patent Translation:

  1. Create and manage a terminology list.
  2. Utilize translation memory tools.
  3. Cultivate a habit of reviewing multiple times.

We are nearing the end of our extensive series on the three essential characteristics of patent specification translation. How has it been for you? It’s more complex and intricate than it seems, right?

Let’s briefly revisit the previously discussed “clarity” and “conciseness.” Clarity is essential for accurately conveying the scope of patent protection, while conciseness helps avoid unnecessary confusion. The reason why we focused on “consistency” today is that it enhances the reliability of patents and reduces interpretive ambiguity. Consistently using the same terminology and expressions allows patent examiners to understand translated documents more easily.

Honestly speaking, patent translation can be quite challenging. From comprehending technical content to accurately using legal terminology, there are moments when you wonder if you can complete it on time. That’s why Bering Lab created a legal translation-focused AI tool instead of using general-purpose translators like Google or Papago.

BeringAI specializes in translating legal documents such as contracts and accurately translates complex patent documents, maintaining the original formatting consistently. We hope that Bering Lab’s translation notes have been helpful to you, and we’ll return with more valuable notes next time!

✅ Accurate and High-Quality Patent Translation, Essential for International Filing!

Maintaining clarity and conciseness in patent specification translation is crucial. By using concise expressions, eliminating unnecessary redundancies, and avoiding ambiguous phrasing, you can enhance the quality of translation. BeringAI rigorously adheres to these principles to deliver high-quality translations for patents, legal documents, and business texts.

Bering Lab recognizes the significance of patent translation and strives to provide the best translation services to our clients. With Bering Lab’s specialized patent translation services, you can ensure accurate and efficient translations of critical terms, ensuring the stability and accuracy of international filings. Bering Lab possesses an AI translation engine suitable for “patent translation.”

Currently, over 130 law firms and numerous global companies utilize our services. Trusted by top-tier law firms in Korea and abroad, Bering Lab! Experience the superior quality of Bering Lab, where patent translation specialists conduct meticulous reviews.

Contact Bering Lab now to inquire about our expert-reviewed patent translation services!

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